The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 12

Oh happy that I'm eye balls deep into Greek I've finally gotten an audition for Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night!" Yes, I'm really late at writing about this because it's been more than hectic for me which I'll get into but since I've gotten my feet wet in Sophacles, I guess my next dream role was something in Shakespeare. I AM SCARED poopless ( this audition was for Couerage Theatre too, ha )...I've never trained in any of this and have shied away from these styles because usually minority peeps aren't invited to the party for the most part, especially in L.A.'s theatre scene. I don't understand, but I am an artist so I want to - every fiber in my being is needing of new explorations and challenges. To do the same ole, same ole isn't where I'm at in my career, right now I'm taking the advantage and opportunity of being an out of work, not highly paid artist so if I'm going to put in for my art, I want it to constantly be something I think I can't do so I can keep creating characters to use later. I've put my heart and soul into being Odyssea (Odysseus) and am pleasantly surprised that although I felt like crying at times because of the stress of it all, that I rose to the test. Instead of shurking into the crevices, I decided to go out in a ball of glory instead and so I did with my audition as Viola and Feste. I prepped myself with a british dialect only to arrive, ask a few questions to the other actors in the room and realized no accent was required so I scrambled to de-accent real quick before walking in all flustered. I was just honestly happy to be in the room and hoping not to make a fool of myself so not to embarrass the director calling me in. Although I had went in with one intention, after realizing what they may want instead, I was open to anything and everything in the room. Thank goodness for the upcoming, wonderful female directors who are open enough to understand rawness in ability at times. She gave me a shot, then another and I left truly realizing what I just stood my work on....myself. No I haven't taken Shakespeare or Greek classes, no I've never even ran them in my acting classes but as an artist you understand human beings...human conditions...human emotions and that's what you give. Don't let the fact that "you haven't done" deter you from even trying even if you feel like you fall flat on your face, the fact that you even tried is what counts but you've got to have put in the work already. Yes, some are natural and can spill it all out but to get the true essence of being in your work takes years of study, years of working through nerves and years of critiques/adjustments. So, if you've been putting in the time, energy and effort, trust your art which is exactly what I'm beginning to do. Give it to me...give me the opportunity and let me see how high I can fly, I'll go there...I've been trained for it no matter how anxious I feel inside. With that, I received a callback for the role of Feste but during such, I was also asked to cold read Maria and I took that as a sign that I must be doing something right. So without further adieu, I'm officially Maria in my first ever Shakepeare production/audition in "Twelfth Night!" I can finally say that and have it on my resume and during which time I also received a call to be the understudy of the Sci-Fi play I thought I had bombed in but had to turn that down since I was already committed to "Archer of Malis." Trust your art, trust the work you've poured your being into, trust the sacrifices you've made to become better, trust this journey you're on will reward you for your persistence and search for just gotta TRUST!

It's been a joy being a part of such a wonderful cast of characters and doing a role that really is written for a male...white male at that. With every "thanks for playing that role because I would've never saw it that way" to "wonderful work" I know I'm truly paving a different outlook within my own means. You as an artist must challenge the ideals of what has been passed down as our "laws" of life in order to give new, perspective on old teachings, if you don't do it then who? This is what art does, it shifts focus, changes views, opens hearts and challenges minds...then there is change, so keep looking out for the things that will not only challenge you as an artist but the audience as well, this will make your work all worthwhile as you struggle from day to day just to survive. I've loved seeing all these beautiful faces at the show celebrating along with me as well as the great energy sent. It's a difficult beast to deal with Greek plays because it's not most people's cup of tea, so the house can be light at times but it has been eye opening to hear the response of the people who get it with everything in them. By doing this play, it has given me the confidence to make sure I keep tackling this type of text until I know that I know in this genre as well! Wahoo to all the peeps that have shared this experience with me and having the NAACP once again come through our production was another push in letting me know, I'm on the path I was meant to be on....stay true!!!

During the one of the most busiest times of course I booked a co-star finally and although one line I had a blast doing all of it. Getting the opportunity to meet and chat with another South Korean native, Yunjin Kim, was inspiring as well as seeing how humble/grateful actors can be. Sitting around just chatting about life, work and family was nice and funny. Sometimes we hear and see the ugly sides but it's just refreshing to see the goodness of everyone too regardless of where they're at in their careers, no one being bigger than, just thankful and gracious. I'm a lucky gal to have been on set finally and just be treated with all out graciousness by everyone including the bigger stars. This opportunity also taught me how to speak clearly as well because the director caught me off guard by asking me "what I felt when I said the line," because of course I was giving the line in a more sexual way which made it funny in my mind and I just don't think the idea ever crossed their minds. When asked, I started in that I felt....but he was already off and ready to chat about the scene with the other actors and rightfully so - he asked me to just throw it away. Which is too bad in essence, because that line could've had so many meanings if explored but you do what the set wants you to do and so it was done, line thrown away but next time, I'll have a one word answer and yell out "SEXUAL" immediately - HA!!! To celebrate all of that goodness, I decided to check out the best burgers in Santa Clarita since I was done around noon and splurged by buying myself lunch at a local, non-chain joint and came up with this yumminess! Kimchee burger, mac and cheese with a stout milkshake...this is the life! Make sure to eat it all up every chance you get!!!!

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