Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 13

When you keep focus on it, the universe answers! The more you audition and keep auditioning, the more you'll feel comfortable in your own skin so go out and audition for it all...turn down the ones that don't work for you but audition, audition, audition. Even though you're in the midst of a rigorous production, exhausted and brain fried, go audition because you're in the center of the heat, don't waste any of it regardless of how you feel, you may find yourself booking in the craziness of it all. When it rains, it pours for us artists so make sure you've got your cups/barrels/buckets out, collecting all that lovely art downpour. It's not about what you're working on now, it's what's happening next to keep you focused and in line with your purpose. Don't slack off on submissions, rehearsals, studying because you're involved in something towards tomorrow constantly so you don't have to take whatever is thrown your way, but you as an artist can give yourself choices on what you'd like to be working on next. So as I've been plowing through this "Archer of Malis" production, I've tackled on Shakespeare and now an audition for a comedy with "Greek" undertones called "Vonya, Sonya, Sasha & Spike" as the housekeeper Cassandra that falls into "Greek" spells...hilarious and at my first place of big plays that started me on my theatre quest/journey - ICT in Long Beach. Again, I'm in front of Michael, the director and home, I know they're rooting for me! It's always lovely walking into the room knowing the casting is proud of your work and they trust whatever you bring. I do get some questions about being AEA this time which is interesting but I brush it off and use it as a positive in the room. No matter what is asked in the room, it stays positive for you...sleuth it out later but in the room, it's all good and I stayed with that energy! I saw their faces and knew I didn't disappoint as well as some outburst of chuckles so you leave with that, understand your work from there...the room got it and got you most importantly, whatever else happens, happens. I know I rocked that audition, I know they were watching my every move, I know I did what I was suppose to do in that room all the while being crazed with Greek already...which actually helped me understand what was going on within the text of their play. I got to see a variety of ethnicities auditioning for the role which made my heart smile ( so good seeing your face Desiree ), little steps! I realized after that for the role, they may have been leaning towards a non AEA member since the main characters would probably be AEA so I wasn't even shaken in the slightest that I may not get it plus it would've interfered with Shakespeare and we would've been in a whole different conversation because of it. Know your power in the room and leave it at that, I realize that when I don't book it's outta of my hands because I've done the work, your "booking" as a struggling artist will be either call backs or another audition for the same casting office for another role/different show. Understand that you're building relationships and the casting directors that know you are showing love for you by either calling you back or getting you in on another project. That's your job when you're at the "bottom" of the chain, your job is to make them trust your work/art and for you to show up each and every time you walk into the room to the best of your abilities for that day. If they don't call you back, hell, their loss especially when you know what you're made of, don't let the "bookings" tell you how good you are. You've been in the trenches going all in for many years, sometimes it takes that for the industry to catch up with you but you've got to keep at it, at your work fearlessly. You just need a few casting offices that trust your art and then it's off to the races as everyone else catches on so don't falter when it's a "bad" day because if you've put in your work as you should've, you'll still be better than most and what one office passes on another will capitalize so keep pushing forward my dears...not everyone is going to like/believe in you but not everyone has to in this town...remember that my fellow artists, it's going to save you a lot of heart ache if one cd doesn't get you or you bomb in the room and they decide never to give you another chance. THEIR LOSS always...and you keep moving forward because we "fail, fail and fail again" ( and by fail I mean maybe not making clear choices, not making any choices, not putting in the work etc ) before we even come to success so let's start right now, right here without all that extra baggage. They like you when they keep calling you in, they like you when you get a call back, they like you when they're getting you in for different projects...they like you, they really like you just keep showing up to play! Although for whatever reasons I didn't get another call for this, I know I'll be in front of Michael, Richie and directors/producers again...rockin' it real hard because that is my training.

Still working on my body as well as my appetite and nothing gets by this. It's all or nothing with workouts as well as my food pleasures, I like committing hard core so with that, I decided to make my one day of hike/aqua zumba into just a full out 2+ hour hikers in the morn. Why? Because I'm cray, cray! So I've been hiking up La Tuna for several months here and there but it's been in my regular routine once a week for the past 3 months and I climb high which takes me 1 - 1 and 1/2 hours of hiking up and jogging down. I decided it was time for graduation and to get up to the next highest hill...alone. I put my big, girl pants on and hiked what seemed to be forever with my legs on fire and as I slowly descended hoping that I had actually made the right turn to end up where I started, I knew that my mind will always be the pusher of my body. It starts with your mind telling you regardless of the situation, you will make it through, just keep one foot in front of the other. As people come and go in your life, as disappointments rain down, as rejections seem to never foot in front of the other. It doesn't have to be big steps, it just has to be forward for the most one to compete with except yourself because it is you and only you at the top of the hill/in the room. It took me over 2 and 1/2 hours to get up this monster and down to the car with my legs feeling like they were jello, my foot even having a weird muscle cramp to the point I was limping for a couple of days but I still hit up aqua zumba the next day and then let it heal for the next few days. The following week on Wednesday, I was at it again and made even better time - see hard work towards what you love pays off, it may take time but it always pay off, you just got to be brave enough to see it through! Don't give up because the first hill took the wind out of you, instead know that you're better than that and trudge up that 2nd/3rd hill and let them all know you're here to stay because that is what you're made of. Seeing burnt trees still standing majestically inspired my will to know that regardless of what you look like on the outside, if you've got the will/fortitude to keep going/live, the world will get the opportunity to see your beauty but you've got to fight for that and keep fighting for that with every breathe. So breathe and keep those feet moving my loves!!! Then celebrate by eating just as well whenever you can as much as you can. This time, I celebrated with happy hour at Sun Cafe, Studio City - vegan deliciousness for a cheaper chorizo lettace wraps, zucchini tacos, mac & cheese and half size strawberry shaker at $13 total, see you can eat out and still be within a budget whenever you can splurge a bit. It may not seem like much but taking yourself out to eat a really wonderful meal can change your perspective of this town, life and work so make sure you're still out there celebrating all the victories no matter how big or small, make it special to you as an artist. When you get to the top, make sure to take a good look around you, see what it took to get you there and then do it all over again taking notice of all that you hadn't before! Go get 'em all!!!! 

My other celebration ( because not everything is centered around food...well... ) after such a crazy week of work, shows, auditions and shootings I also took time out to watch an oldie but goodie - "How To Marry A Millionaire" is good, take it all in and learn to appreciate all works and in that appreciation, you'll find yourself digging in even more! YES!!!!

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