The "Glamorous" life of Auditions - Day 14

Do you short??? If not, consider it/go for it...short films when shot right can be a beautiful way to get scenes for your reel and work your art as you gain more film experience. With the ideas of shorts now because of our new media and with the pay of $50 - $125 for an 8 hour day, it's a better contender than most student films at times because you're not only being compensated as an artist ( even if it's only gas money ) but most likely you'll be working with a more professional crew who also realizes and appreciates your time/talent which means you'll most likely get some footage for yourself and if not, at least you got paid for it. Not to say student/college films can't be professional, but I do know I've done more of those in the past with little to nothing to show for it...not even a screening so push for better choices on your work, you deserve at least that. Yes, the "competition" is a step up but again, you're only competing with yourself and it's only a matter of time before you have your opportunity on the bigger stage so relish into that push of harder work, better talent pool of artistry because you'll be in the spotlight soon dealing with names/award winners and may never even get seen, so start fighting now to understand this side of the show. Build from quality and you'd be amazed to see where it will take you/what doors it'll open, difficult - yes, but this business is so start putting in work now, no easy roads here if you want to be taken seriously as an artist. Your shots should rival superstars, your talent should be on par with academy award winners and your work ethic like none other and because you do this, you'll attract quality, deservingly so. Yes, we've all put some things out there we may cringe on, but what you cringe on is someone else's goal/gold so keep striving for the best in your work so when there is an opportunity to look at you, they see you in all the light that you are. This short was an apocalyptic short, another genre I'd love to be a part of so I do what I can to get in and audition even if it means being one of few to less minorities that gets seen. It's a wonderful piece and although I had to flip flop schedules and work it out with the cd, they were understanding with my hectic schedule of shooting and show times. They asked for a Saturday I knew I'd be shooting the guest star role in 6 episodes of the web series I have coming up, which I still had to get out by 6p to make it to my show at 8p in Hollywood, so with Saturday scratched they checked my avail for the following Saturday which my schedule was just as intense. The CD asked if I wouldn't mind being seen on a Sunday ( Mother's Day ) with the kiddies and I agreed even though I knew that day was just as crazy, just more doable than the rest. So basically it was a driving job Friday afternoon, rush to eat with line run throughs for the show and then 8p hit the stage, Saturday 10a call time to set with as many scenes as they could shoot, jumping all over the 6 episodes which I had spent the past week diving into ( all week because it was more than 20 pages of dialogue including many monologues ) because the shooting schedule changed from 2 weeks prep to one. Released at 6p with enough time to grab a snack and 8p showtime. Got up early to work Sunday morning from 9a - 1p, raced out of there to get to the audition at 1:30p making it 5 min's late, auditioning for the director and CD in the room which I had spent in between pages of my shooting script to memorize this audition and hoping none of it failed me now. Read twice with adjustments and knew I had made an impression in the room and was told as such but I was too pressed to really let that sink in because I had to race out of there to get to my 3p showtime after. This is what training is meant for, times of such pressure that most people would crack...having to memorize a guest starring role in 6 episodes with over 20 pages of dialogue and breaking it all down for each scene, memorizing audition material at the same time and racing all over town to get it done while still trying to hold down a job and a show. That's a lot of words floating around your cranium and if you don't appreciate the simple fact that you can do that and deliver a performance that works up the room that hadn't even considered you, then you're missing out on the beauty of your work. I usually don't read feedback from auditions because in the depths of my being, I no longer have to...I realized I have given it my all and I changed the room after my performance, you're an artist, you know when the other person is engaged, you feel that energy shift happen and you revel in that space. I had to share this because you must know that regardless of feedback, it doesn't make nor break only read them or accept them if you know within your work you won't be moved. I have learned not to let bad reviews affect me as well as good ones....they're just that. How did I feel in the room? What did I accomplish? Did I change myself into my character as worked? Did I move them to pay attention to my choices? If all these things happened, I am validated within myself and you must trust that in your work. It's nice to see these but I'm more proud of doing my "job" as an artist in the room...with that I was called back the following Sunday with just as much crazy happening that day as well, except I wasn't able to hang out to get as many screen tests with all the other characters as I still was in "Archer From Malis" at 3p. It may have been the deciding factor but again, I know I blew them away and even when you blow them away, you may not get the role which is okay because you know that it was their loss in not making that final leap. I've been told plenty of times - "We should've went with you..." whatever that means because I know they should've but oh well and on to the next project that will take that risk on me because if you think I blew you away at the audition....wait until we get on set to start shooting and I've had time to crank out the meaning behind the story. Realize that, you are greatness and someone is lucky to have your work in their project, you will only make it shine because you've worked hard to do so.

I had to celebrate with all the craziness and celebrate I did with the
most hearty of meals on my meat day, cheat day! 1 day a week and 1 day
the past week I decided it was a "Houston's, Hawaiin Steak night" treat -
I haven't had in years, while memorizing pages with the following week
treating myself to my homemade pork meat & sausages ( with no
nitrates/organic ) from Whole Foods - my spicy, spaghetti. Although my
body doesn't take as much meat as it use to, it's still a treat to eat
such wonderful food and then get back to what I know feels better in my
system. Life is short, enjoy what you enjoy but understand and listen to
your body...too much of anything doesn't make you balanced, so find
your balance that's in line with your spirit because this is such an
important facet of your life. Your nourishment and your health directly
affects your output on your art, so be aware as you feed your soul! This
industry can/will make you feel guilty for your weight but we are all
different so therefore you have to change that stigma and that's by
being healthy and putting the strongest version of you out there. It
doesn't require you to be skinny or anything other than yourself but it
does require you to be in your right mind ready to battle the madness of
this industry otherwise you'll be wrecked by the crazy this business
can bring. So strong mind, healthy body because you will need it all on
this journey forward, don't skimp on yourself ever, your art is counting on you!

With all of this mayhem, we're officially closed on Sophacles - "The Archer From Malis" this weekend to some really great reviews which were a pleasant nudge letting me know I'm working forward in my art. Diversity is key and I will always be a part of that fight somehow, from showing up to auditions I know I probably won't have a chance in to working whenever I can on projects that promote this component. Loved sharing the stage with this group of talented, non-traditionally casted band of artists - Reginald, Elmira, Lester, Regan & Rosie - who went up in 10 days at the Getty Villa and then put in more work to understand the work at the Lounge Theatre. Constant trust in each other with so much exposition in dialogue that if one of us would falter, we'd step in saving the scene until we all knew that we knew. Can't believe this tremendous opportunity given to my craft that will be cherished for the rest of my life, this role told me I can do whatever I put my mind to do if just given the chance, thank you Malik of Griot Theatre Co! Got to see both directors of my 2 upcoming play projects, along with my girl Christianne during closing weekend and am just ready to dive into another short, christian play for Kimba Henderson which I'm in rehearsals already to put up one performance by June 3rd ( that's right, 11 pages of 2 person dialogue with 4 rehearsals...I can do this - ha, ha, ha ) while starting my first Shakespeare rehearsal June 1st with Kate Jopson! WAHOO to jumping all in and on to the next!!! Goodbye to Lemnos, goodbye to my sword, goodbye to my Terminator boots...for now...

With all of this going on, I still had table reads to make for the web series I can't announce as of yet but I can say it's a role I'm totally excited to play because I've based the character on 2 other character portrayals I've loved on T.V. that I've meshed together and can't wait to explore her even more. We've had to be downtown for two days along with a photoshoot day that will be released with upcoming announcements and I've shot for one full day, half the scenes at Invisionate Studios in Burbank. One more day to go to get the rest of my scenes and I'll be able to tell you more...Season 2 is killer!!! So excited to be a part of this much content goodness for this layered character because I've created her as're gonna love...or hate her - HA!!! Keep going for it all arties, we change notions one role at a time, one show at a time - walk in all that sunshine and enjoy the journey!
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