The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 19

Another nurse audition for a Original Amazon Prime Streaming series for a casting office I haven't been to - Barden & Schnee. Love making new connections and gaining new's the only way to keep planting those seeds to work, this town has so many casting offices so understand you have a gazillion chances to make your mark! What's been great is the new turn to be able to even to audition for these type of roles...10+ years ago it was not the case especially when I went from not having my hair straight anymore to wearing it very natural, my auditions took a very big nose dive so I see the acceptance happening, although slow it's coming. Realize that sometimes people don't see you as a certain "type" in this industry, it is a very "first looksie" at times but that doesn't mean you give up and walk away, it means you've gotta shine brighter for them to understand your body of art and to do that, you keep at it, you keep accepting different roles in which you can hopefully play differently and if this industry isn't giving them to you, there are other avenues. Low budget films, new media productions, friends shooting projects or even your're not being seen for anything more than what you look problem. The other thing to do is literally taking pictures in the particular uniform since lack of imagination can run amok in this line of work. Grab a nurse top from your local thrift store and fire away...just do the basics if need be - cop (undercover - so you don't have to buy a full uniform,) nurse/doctor & business. The rest is just extra but this should cover all your bases for the most part when you go out for the smaller co-star roles...ridiculous, yes...needed, yes at times. It might take years to get to this point as it did me but now that I'm here, I'm fully ready to go because even though this industry may have been slow in recognizing me for whatever reasons, I kept preparing...studying my craft, working my art and pushing for different outlooks. I decided since the description read friendly nurse that I would play that but with some concern, asked to read it efficiently next - which was simple and thrown away but then asked to read it as if annoyed by his call because he had been doing it all day - DONE with some laughter from the room. 3 very different reads done back to back to back with a moment in between to get it and go...that's what years of waiting for an audition and training all the while will get you so don't ever look at it for a moment as a waste of time. You putting so much effort into your craft (as long as you're being challenged to grow) will pay off, you will shine brighter than most, you will be prepared for it all because instead of taking the easy way through it, you busted your tushie to make it happen and it's happening. I allowed my confidence to waiver because of non-bookings because that was my it's about doing the work and making sure they see that I'm going to bring a different read to the show, they'll get a new layer with me, it's just up to them to risk it but I've done my job. I almost raced out of there not realizing the casting wanted to get to know me after the read, so to my pleasant surprise I was able to chit chat for a moment making more of a connection as well as work. I never push for this, I'm usually in and out not wanting to be hailed as the chatty chit chat but when casting initiates take full advantage, have something to say and still understand that moment to leave, don't over stay your welcome, leave them laughing, wanting to see more of you. Love offices that really love actors, that can see good work and appreciate it by being friendly/supportive, these are the places you must get into so you can see that not all casting is alike...nor actors for that matter. Left knowing I did what I had walked in to do even while my mind was racing to get across town for my show! Go in and give 'em what you got, you've been waiting for this shot - your art will not let you down, just believe that.

Gotta call during this next set of hecticness to come in for some ADR work on the Mistresses - yippee or not? I wasn't sure what they kept, if they decided to cut my line and maybe put another line in instead with just my back showing...urghhhhhh but at least it's another day of some work and I could use all those days please! Get there with 5 minutes to spare and head in...there's Porto's baked goods on a plate and with that I accepted some green tea to go with the 1/2 blueberry muffin someone cut just for me to have a taste. I'm thankful for this bit of a treat seeing that I had raced out of the house with not a bite to eat, listening to the bustle of people coming and going along with the work going on in some of the rooms. This is what I want to do...constantly, consistently and so I claim it, every bit of it as you should. I see my scene and go in where I thought the line was changed to in my scene for my first go and they're like "Oh no, can you say the line after the three beeps." That's the beginning of my scene, they've added a line and then they go to my face so I'm still in it - WAHOO! I do it a few times, adding a walk up to the stand to keep the feel of the scene and I'm out within 15 minutes and I'm not cut - happiness!!! Now, right back into rehearsals for "Twelfth Night," along with an audition for a re-enactment series I need to get off right away, I've never been so busy and so crazy, yet so excited for it all. I've worked many years to get right here, to be noticed for my different outlook, slowly but surely it's all finally giving me a shot and I know I'm ready for it.When it's your time, step into that light and let all those years of hard work, sacrifice and training knock them out, you've earned this...YOU GOT THIS!

Feeding my art well with a play to stay inspired to work and work hard indeed. If you surround yourself with artists that are striving, it is inevitable that you will be inspired to strive harder, don't sit in your bubble doing only your things, branch out and notice what others are doing. This shouldn't come from a place of jealousy because you already know that what you bring is your own unique footprint to the role and no one can claim your part except you. So someone else got the role but you know you smashed that that, know it and allow it to be. I didn't get this role in the play I wanted but I was already tied to my Shakespeare as well but I decided since given the opportunity that I'd check out the play of "Vonya, Sonya, Masha & Spike" at ICT - the place "Flyin' West" won Best Ensemble at the 2016 NAACP awards. I've been trying to get back on that stage ever since, it was my first role in my first major production that got me to my EMC card which eventually lead to my full membership in AEA so I have sentimental feelings when it comes to this theatre now. I raced in and sat down while trying to charge my phone a bit and was spoken to by a slightly familiar face that asked if she knew me? I didn't recognize her which I stated but she asked if I was an actress and when I said yes and maybe from a show she happily acknowledged me from the audition. HA - it's the director of the show. We chatted but she simply told me how much she loved my performance but that the role was basically for someone non union which I remembered coming up in the audition instincts were correct for this. Again, this had nothing to do with my read, my art but with the fact that the budget wasn't within her means to include me...most things are out of your hands guys, know this and sleep well. The great thing about the show was that everyone shined at one time or another and I left knowing I would've killed this role...even while leaving seeing an old picture of Cheri and myself on the wall here made me know I'll be back one day soon. With that, I've got an audition next week for ICT once again...send me goodness guys, it's an amazing role that would start right when "Twelfth Night" is over.

Within the past couple of years I've progressed to more natural means of body needs and finally had to share this gem of an idea to use in your daily life if you're so inclined to check it out. I was composting all of my egg shells but wanted to know if there was any other use for them, especially my soy free, organic egg shells. Found out they're a great source of all natural calcium that's better than calcium pills and it's less waste for your system and the environment if you're just throwing them out. So now, I have 2 sets of egg shells, the regular organic egg shells for the garden and the soy free, organic egg shells for my body and it's as easy as 1, 2, 3...please look it up, got my answers via this googling and going to natural mama's site but there are plenty to chose from so check it out. I rinse them out after cracking, let dry on counter, then when I get enough like 2 dozen, I boil them for 10 minutes in hot water, then let them cool, place on pan to dry overnight and then bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes the next day or that evening if I started out early. Crush them into my hand blender that has another fine grind blades and blend that until a soft, powdery substance. Voila, your very own calcium to use instead of buying those pills all the time. I sprinkle a little on oatmeal but I usually use about 1/4 teaspoon in a blended smoothie with very little idea/taste that it's in there. Love finding other avenues to treat my body as well as causing less waste whenever I can. Go ahead, find wonderful uses of the small things and watch your artistry grow as you search for those small things in your performance as well - ROCK ON Arties!!!!
With that, got a wonderful e-mail asking to pin me for the Deputy role in a small town that I would love to be a part of. It not only has wonderful producers but the writing is fabulous with a role I have yet to play. Never heard of pinning but it's where they have a few people in mind for the role and they ask for availability as well as your interest. For me, I was winning when I got the opportunity to audition and show them my take on this character, the fact that they responded to my choices, understood the risks and are now considering me for the show is icing baby! Realize what you do is only what you can do...the rest is up to the universe, so have fun and enjoy this ride because it is truly about the journey!!!
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