Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 18

No fuss audition for home and although they state the earlier the better, with my hectic schedule, I'll get it in when I can. Never feel like you've got to put a rush on these when given a time frame, I don't believe in the the sooner the better or first one in makes the best impression or last one out is remembered. Leave all that mumbo jumbo out of your work, just go and do your work, risk it all and call it a day, you will kill it whether you're the first, middle, last or somewhere in between all of will kill it because you've put in the work to do so. I usually get these babies in by the last day with about a few hours to spare when I'm crazy busy but when I've got time, a day or two just like an audition I have to go to is what I give myself so I can keep as close to the audition process as possible. It's part of my training to use when I can but again, I don't stress on this time line factor because they gave you one so use it...that's why! Remember this is fun, so find the fun in it, even if it's as simple as wearing your hair full for the intro and then pulled back for the scene to give them a cleaner look of you. Do whatever you feel will help you see that you gave it your all for this work whatever that may seem to be for you, there is no right and only way in this business, this work loves risks so go ahead and jump! This audition is for a Sci-Fi low budget taking place in a ship and I'm just speaking directly into the camera having to go through it because it's what the scene calls for. The beauty of these type of scenes is that you're in the privacy of your own space, to get to a place of emotional drive and the time you can give yourself is open ended. Take advantage, use this time to push it because you need these types of work to get your flow so when you do step into an office you've had practice on what triggers you, what makes you get there and to get there quickly because casting doesn't have time for you to search your "dark" space when they're rolling and have 6 other actors waiting in the next room. Practice makes perfect so practice away when given the chances and these home auditions are perfect training grounds, you've just got to submit to them and do the call when you get them. Again, auditioning as much as possible, whenever a good opportunity pops up will only increase your flow as an artist so don't cut it off because it's low pay or not shooting in your area, you'll figure it out when you cross that bridge but take advantage of this new structure in getting another chance to be seen. About 2 takes down and I feel like I got it...again, don't question your work just because it's you and you're at your takes but don't get so meticulous with your idea of perfection. Yes you can fix some snags that happen but don't make it into a bigger deal because that can be habit forming which you'll carry into a room. You never get to see your audition at casting so why scrutinize every wrinkle, snarl or lip quiver. Trust your work and keep it moving - as you do so, this will be your way in all auditions but you must train your body, mind and spirit to accept that so start here, right now and learn to let it be. Did it, sent it and DONE! NO stress just another way to get in some play time...use it for your training folks, you'll start seeing what they see and learn that you have to go in understanding you have one shot in the room that you're trying to turn into 2 - 3 more, if you don't just nail it the first time you rock star you or just learning to do it in a different way because they asked. If you get a scene less than a minute long, I'd send 2 takes edited together as well so they can see changes...fight for your art guys, you deserve it and this is one way to do it so think outside the box, rest there my Arties.

Towards the middle of the Greek madness, I decided to add to that crazy and accept a role from a wonderful writer friend in a short, Christian play for her church singles ministry. Although a short, it still was only a 2 person 11 page scene with lots of activity including some dancing steps to add to the words as if the words with scripture wasn't hard enough. I love a challenge as well as loving wonderful words to express regardless of the genre and a shal - lange it was! With about 7 rehearsals altogether including tech, less than a month, I came in unmemorized because of my schedule and in between the weeks of closing, working and auditioning, I made it work. Somehow it all came together as I let one play go while memorizing for the series into this wonderful piece I can say I now did. Push your work ethic and art, understand you will one day be moving from one job to the next and may even be doing one while also working on another - give yourself the gift of the stress now. Have 2-3 scripts floating in your head and try to keep them compartmentalized because yes, you will be that busy at times and it's enough to drive you mad into questioning whether you can do it...YOU CAN, you just got to push now while it may be tough but all worthwhile in the long run. Train for the stress, train for the push, the frustration, the lack of sleep, time etc. but watch your body, mind & spirit work for you...especially since you've been treating it right, celebrating when you can and keeping healthy by eating right and working out. Your mind is crazy beautiful, know that you can rest in chaos, it's a great place to be but you've got to be prepped for that in order to come out unscathed...let's practice now shall we?!?! With that, another short, Christian play "Witholding" by Kimba Henderson performed with Derrex Brady once again is officially off my books and check marked off - YES!

I've got one more day of shooting coming up in July for the rest of the 6 episodes as "Karen" for the upcoming Season 2 "Cheetah in August" on Amazon Prime Streaming from the wondrous LGBT works that didn't discriminate against me for my being - HA! Excited for this killer season because the writing is just that good and my role...RIDICULOUS! I based her on 2 big T.V. characters that I meshed together and am excited to see how she actually comes across on screen. Had fun working with this group of up and coming talent while seeing that hard work pays off. Watching the Bawn men pull it together and really believe in their product enough to work out Season 2 is don't make money via web series but you hope to parlay it into some but it takes money, time, energy and a whole lotta effort so being a part of this has kept me inspired to keep at "JANE" as well, regardless of what that looks like. These wondrous people accepted my art and gave me the opportunity to join their tribe of work, so I'm gonna risk, push and give with this character like nobody's business because this show deserves my every bit of all! Here's the behind the scenes for the photoshoot ya'll and if you look really closely, every now and then you'll see me...ha, you just missed me!!! Pictures to come soon....

Shakespeare is officially in the house as I've kicked off the first full rehearsal and now we're in all of this scary magic breaking it all down - it is truly exhausting on the brain! Lucky for me, I found a cheap, vegan thai joint - lunch specials be da bidness (yes, it's all vegan...even the peanut butter pie!) to nourish my soul before I start on this hardcore adventure of being once again in the land of the lost. Such a shake up in routine but I am excited to tackle on this text because I know how much my art will thrive because of it...if I always did what was comfortable, easy and natural for me, how can I ever become the artist I so much desire. We must put ourselves out there to be laughed at, to be judged, to be dissected but because we treat ourselves with care, we only become stronger because of it. So to calm my soul, I feed it deliciousness whenever I can afford to do so as a mini treat to celebrate the fact that I am putting it out there to fall, but it is in my falling I will either catch myself or fall and either way, I'm stronger for it! So go, make sure to treat yourselves kindly to risk greatly and shine like the beauties each and every one of you bold art beings are. Even when you walk out of rehearsals after working all day to 4 hours of text work feeling drained, leaving at just learned something new! Eat up and GIVE ART!!!

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