6 days in and I have to admit that for the first time in all of the years of doing this cleanse, my first 5 days were really hard. It really makes a difference if you're around food constantly and if you have some control over that aspect of your life. I did notice my crankiness hitting a high meter working late nights and for that I apologize to my poor co-workers. :) Morning of the 6th day and I'm almost down to my fighting weight with only
.8lbs to clear, but I always go for about 10-15lbs or good inches so that I have some wiggle room when I gain my water weight back and fluctuation starts to happen. So don't quit now, keep on rocking it out even if you're at your goal weight, try to go a bit beyond to give yourself some room for the gain. That's inevitable, but with a balanced diet right for your body/mind and regular exercise you should be able to maintain most of the weight being off. Remember that this is just a cleanse/detox that will help jump start your metabolism and get you started on your new or rejuvenating lifestyle.

So yesterday, I decided to check on a new method of working out and although you don't feel like you're doing anything, I have come to realize that your body is and it's fantastic. I've been dappling into the new vibration power plate machines at FBE spa on Wilshire for the last 6 months only going in 1x a month, so no big change but a mix up for my workouts that seem to keep my body guessing. I actually bought a groupon for the place and then they offered me a special deal because of my groupon purchase and now I'm so glad I'm open to new/interesting ways of working out. On the vibration plate machine there, I do squats, plies, push-ups, tricep work and even abs, so no just standing and shaking, you can really get involved which works your core oh, so good. Now at Beneveda Medical Spa (that specializes in a holistic approach to body/mind) there lies a very cool machine called the TurboSonic. I went there on another groupon purchase for 3 salt room therapies to help alleviate allergies naturally and afterwards, they were having specials for that day which is where I purchased 10, 10 minute sessions on the TurboSonic for $20. So glad I looked at their sale paper because it's usually $15/per session so for me to try this amazing machine, it cost me $2/per session...oh yeah baby! This fantastic machine transfers sonic vibrations to every part of your body while standing there and gently works out body parts differently by the vibrations. 1st minute I felt my tib ant/post. muscles (shin area) slightly burning then it moved to jiggle my abs, then wiggle out my thighs and bounce up and down for the rest and then repeat....I don't know what it was doing but momma like!!!! I was actually on a runner's high after 10 minutes with no sweat and my body felt exhausted. My legs just wanted to sit and relax, the bank line was way too long (2 people deep) and I felt tired I tell you. I felt like I usually do after my 1 hour kickboxing class only after 10 minutes and I do wonder if it has anything to do with my cleanse, so I'll update when I'm back to eating to see if it gives me the same sensation after. All and all, I love this new way of adding to your workouts, I still love to sweat and work but every now and then, I just want to have the work done too. If you have any kind of injuries/pain while working out, I suggest you looking into these machines to help lessen the friction/impact on your body because it definitely can help your workouts!
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