Love action/fighting flicks so to finally catch up on "The Fighter" was a real treat. To get more of the turmoil and the emotional challenges that faced this boxer was eye opening inspiration. He's not only a fighter in the ring but a contender in life, one that with so many odds stacked against him...he wanted it more therefore succeeded. Well done to Christian Bale for portraying his cracked out brother. After watching some behind the scenes of big brother Ward, Bale's mannerisms were uncanny and although he's not one my favorite all around actors with all the set temper tantrums, he has definitely stepped up to the plate with this honest portrayal. Also seeing the transformation of Melissa Leo as Alice Ward was amazing and well worth the curiosity after watching her win the academy award. Marky Mark (which he'll forever be emblazoned in my mind) was simple and effortless which made this movie smart in terms of casting. They allowed the characters to be characters without pushing hard and thus allowing this truly triumphant story to come across. B+ for this solid, well done boxing flick that should be on your netflix list if you haven't caught it yet.

Depressing, harsh and driven sets this next methodical film of crystal meth, the people involved and those it affects. "Winter's Bone" showed the power of family when family is all that you have...all the good and all of the ugly bad. Jennifer Lawrence's determination as Ree was clean and I have to admit, casting was excellent here. People looked rough, worked, haggard and you can tell the effects of that life taking it's toll. The men were menacing but each had respect and family tattooed all over their egos with glimpses of how much family meant to them where the women were as strong as possible in the male domineering setting but had conformed to survive. Sad, riveting and strong are the adjectives that float along as the story unfolds and is told through the actions of this character driven piece. Solid A for this "unhollywood" portrayal of rural, drug life. Another netflix to watch!

"Inception" was so super brilliant for me that since I now know Hollywood can make these kind of films, yet chose not to take the chance, I will hold it to this standard. I love action films and I love smart films, why is it so hard to combine???? When intelligent people can come out of a film with different views and thoughts, that's the good stuff and yet I have to have separate categories to judge films on. Was it action? Romantic Comedy? Drama? Why can't it just be a great film regardless of genre, not only good for it's category. Tired of formula hence not impressed with Battle LA. as far as story goes. Everyone had something to live for and we as the audience had to be told what it was...I'm smarter than that, I don't need flashbacks or a told story, let the actors act and let me figure it out. Now I did appreciate the imagery and the fact that we never got a whack close up of the aliens but all in all, it's a popcorn flick and I just enjoyed it for what it was instead of being moved and intrigued. During the monologue (although corny at moments), when Sgt. (Aaron Eckhart) started spewing off names and numbers, I could feel that and that's all I wanted throughout the film. You can make a action film that is smart and has all the drama needed, this just wasn't one of them. I give this film a C and only because the style and CGI was pretty cool. Good for the big screen but if you want to save the dough, don't waste it and check it out later....
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