Okay, I'm off the cleanse and promised to update on this fantastic contraption that I'll be adding to my already rigorous workout week, 1x every other week. The thing that I love about these new vibration plate/sonic workout machines are the minimal impact it has on your body and I think that alone helps me to realize just how beneficial this new workout can be. It lets your body rest (but not really) for a day here and there which is so necessary when training. It honestly feels like you're doing nothing, so of course on the vibrating plate I have a whole full body workout I've been experimenting with and now have heard there are pilate sessions that are incorporating this "new to me" fitness device. You do sweat if you want to, you do get sore if you push your core differently, you do feel like you've worked out if you do something other than just stand there although just standing there may have it's benefits too but if you're fit and just trying to incorporate something new to confuse your muscles, don't let the look of laziness fool you. These new machines pack a powerful punch for your core. Now it's stated that every 10-15 mins on these things, equals to about an hour on regular fitness machines (hence you're only on it for 10-30 minutes max pending on the machine), not sure if it is but I'll be spending this next year finding out so keep checking back if you're still skeptical. On the Turbo, you do just stand there for 10 mins as it uses sonic waves to figure out where to target your body and how...I felt shaking, vibrations and bouncing...so very interesting and I used this time to focus where I felt my body was engaged. Fighting for so long, you develop a "stronger/faster" leg, which is my right, I tend to overuse it when sparring, however when I workout, I tend to kick 2x's on my left to every 1x on my right because I want to keep my left as strong as possible. So as I was paying attention to the sonic, I realized that it does this weird hard vibration that rings up my left leg but get this, it doesn't do it for my right. I've been on it twice and I took note the first time and it did it again. WOW! This is perfect for everyone, so if you see a deal somewhere offering this service, jump on it and vibrate your way to a stronger you. This will never take the place of me hiking/running/fighting etc., but if you're injured or just wanting to start off slow, this is something and something is always better than nothing. Read up, Europe's been into it for quite sometime, I'm just glad we finally got it to!

Infrared wraps are also a new addiction I've been dappling in. I've tried the full body saunas at Wii spa, the head out sauna at FBE spa and the wraps at On The Beach spa. All of them good for different reasons but the front runner in these have been the wraps. I like sitting/laying around at the Wii spa that offers different variations of infrared like salt, clay and jade but I do feel the warmth quicker and concentrated in the wraps. I think I've also dodged 2 colds that could have been worse but since scheduled by per chance around the treatment time, I've always left feeling better. This fantastic treatment that wraps just below your chest, waist, hips and each thigh, heats you up from the inside helping you dispel toxins and is said to burn anywhere from 800-1200+ calories in one session! I only go about 1x every other week but I've had to squeeze some in before expiration that has made me move up to 2x's a week for the next 2 weeks. I'll keep you posted of more results if shown that quickly with more regular use but usually this session for me precedes my cheat day or comes shortly there after giving me some "maintenance" help just in case I go overboard. =) Again, it's about health and it's about your body, so make time and do something different every now and then to keep yourself in tip top shape.
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