Saturday, March 5, 2011

152.2 lbs...

For the first time of all my years of doing the cleanse, yesterday (the first day) was the hardest.  Usually I can breeze through the first and by the 5th I start really wanting food and then I'm back to normal by the 7th day.  I'm really interested on how my body will react this year since I'm on a better eating plan so I guess documentation is good!  I didn't sleep as well for my first day in so I guess my troubles started there, then since I felt okay, I decided to do a light 40 minute work out but by the time I got to work that evening, I was truly exhausted and cranky.  Working at a restaurant can be disheartening while trying to get through a cleanse...and they were making batches of chocolate chip cookies...damn them!!!!!

This morning I awoke from a 9 hour slumber to realize I had already lost 3lbs, WOW!  My goal is 15lbs with 5lbs to fluctuate, I'll then be at my optimum fighting weight which I now choose to stay at since I feel my best here.  I felt awesome and decided to skip the workout today (which was brilliant) and just go to work.  It's 2:50a and I can't wait to sleep it all off and tackle another day.  You must get sleep during the cleanse, since the toxins are getting out of your system, your body is healing so although you may feel good during the day, by evening time, it's bed time so make sure to get rest during your cleanse of choice.

I know the book states to have 6-8 glasses but I'm an amazon girlie so I always make 20-25 for my first day and I consumed about 17 glasses yesterday.  Today I drank about 13 glasses so don't feel like you have to feel hungry in order to get the benefits, make sure you drink enough to constantly feel "full" so you won't get discouraged.  Of course you won't get that "food just hit my belly full" but you should never be hungry during this particular cleanse...EVER!

Good night and hopefully this gets you to consider and research a detox that's right for you!

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