Drank about 9 cups yesterday so as you can see, I do drink as many cups as I need during the cleanse. Remember it's your body, although the book states 6-8 or so, if you're hungry always drink until you're not because you shouldn't feel hungry/weak during this process at all. I found out for myself, that it didn't hinder my results and since my body needed more, I didn't deprive it so I was still able to do a hard modified workout and work. Ally on FB asked today about doing the P90X and Insanity during the cleanse which I'm all for working out, however if it's your first time doing the cleanse with the toxin release, you may feel nauseous so working out may not be an option but if you feel fine I say listen to your body!!!! Also modify the workout so it's not as intense especially if you have to work in the evenings because your body does get exhausted as it's cleaning itself out. Years of doing the cleanse has led me to believe that it's some what vacation time for my body, so I tend to take it easy on the workouts. I may do a modified hard core kickboxing/boxing session-1x, hike/jog-1x, yoga-1x, easy dance sessions like beginners/Wii (yes I said Wii)-2x's, light weightlifting/easy power workouts-1x and biking throughout. I try to adjust to whatever my body is going through and since I work nights, during this cleanse I've only worked out on the first day but since I don't work tonight, I'll be doing a 10min. power session on a sonic vibration machine (which I'll talk more about later.) Easy does it is all I say on the first go around and connect with your body so once you come off the detox you're so in tune, as soon as you put something in your system that doesn't feel right you notice it and change your diet because not all "good" food is good for you.
5th day
So the tongue coating is pretty yucky but as the toxins release out of your system/pores/tongue, you'll start to notice that the tongue gets more pink and less white. Now I photograph first thing in the morning without drinking/brushing so you can get the worse picture and the more toxic you are, the more heavily coated your tongue may be. This and my "private" bathroom time usually tells me when to get off the cleanse so watch carefully. I average 10 days on the cleanse but give myself an extra 1-5 days more pending on what my body tells me but if you don't make it to 10 days, just know you did something to excavate some of the crap that's unnecessary in your system right now and that's a great place to start! =)

My handy, dandy Black & Decker electric juicer has been around for years but not soon enough. When I first started the cleanse, I hand squeezed the lemons like an idiot because I thought good juicers were expensive. Found this bad boy 9 or so years ago at Wal-mart for about $10, I think Target has them for around $15 but check around, again this cleanse is very economical, there is no reason too spend money unless you want to. This juicer does the forward and reverse to get all of the pulp/juice it can find so take that you $100 dollar machines!!!!
A full 4 days down and on the morning of the 5th, I have lost a grand total of 5.5lbs since I started and the best part is, it's all the sludge/slime and junky crap that's not wanted. So do some research, check out cleansers and figure out what works for you and just try it. My FB friend Teresa does the old and a new version of the mc, so check around...nothing wrong with some extra knowledge! Just realize I love this one the most for me because for me it's economical, natural, all over and thorough cleanse that gives me the results that I keep because of my lifestyle/diet change.
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