I'm up at the crack of dawn because today I can taste something else besides the lemonade, thank goodness. Yesterday I came in at 148.2lbs and had to give life a moment yesterday, to send out love and positive energy towards the devastation. Today I'm at 147.2lbs, I went from 155.4lbs to 147.2lbs for a grand total of 8.2lbs lost in 10 days of the cleanse. I wanted to get to 145lbs, however my body and this cleanse is obviously looking out for my best interest right now, hence the reason I love the master cleanse so much. I have to again state that you don't lose muscle, only the fat that needs to shed and all of the other nasty junk floating in your body that even at 10 days you're still flushing out which keeps you from performing at your maximum level. A healthy weight for my 5'9 frame is 148lbs and because I train to fight and because I train with mostly men, I like my body here because I feel strong. Just know that if you need to shed more, you will and if you don't, you won't as simple as that, you don't get to make the choice, your body does and everyone knows that when fed correctly, your body actually knows best.
Your tongue coating should be much pinker now with little to no white gunk...feels awesome right?!!! Just know that if your tongue is still heavily coated that you do need to release more toxins out of your system and if you can do more days, do it. Otherwise, just keep it in mind and try to make a detox (right for you) part of your yearly ritual if not more times.
So remember the pants I told you about earlier??? They didn't fit over my thighs at the beginning of the cleanse, they pulled on but no way buttoning during the cleanse and on the final day....they slipped on (with less friction) and they buttoned up (with a little coaxing)!!!! Now I don't look perfect in them yet, but give me a few more weeks. So when weight loss gets you discouraged, take a good hard look at them inches baby! =)
So now that you have an over view, below are the ingredients/recipe and what it may cost as a recap:
Peppermint (breath) and laxative (nightly) tea: $9
Juicer (don't waste time squeezing by hand): $14
Sea salt (every morning flush if possible, otherwise laxative tea): $4
6 Large bottles of water and water for the rest of the cleanse: $27 (give or take pending on intake)
Limes (I bought a box): $43
Organic Grade B maple syrup (2-3): $20/piece, 2 will usually do for most
Cayenne Pepper (optional): $4
Grand Total: $141 (give/take pending on how many limes/water you purchase) for a 10 day detox/cleanse!
1/2 Lemon/Lime (with limes since smaller, I use 1/2 of a big lime and 1/2 of a smaller lime for 1/2 here)
2tbsp of Organic Grade B Maple Syrup
A pinch of cayenne pepper to taste (optional)
8 oz. glass of water

Coming off of the cleanse is just as important as getting mentally and physically ready to do the cleanse. For the next 3 days, you'll be re-introducing solid food back into your system, so easy does it. The book states for your first day off you drink orange juice, because of my dietary needs given to me by the korean/chinese herbalist I have switched this to fresh pressed pineapple juice by Lakewood bought from Whole Foods. It hasn't upset nor changed my experience this morning, so realize you're able to make small changes to suit your body needs. On the 11th day, you drink only the orange/pineapple juice etc. along with more of the lemonade...I know, I know, you're tired of it, but if it's your first time reaching 10 days, don't falter now, you don't want to get sick and have to drink the lemonade for a few more days. I've met several individuals who have eaten too quickly and have had to return to the lemonade, so don't do it! I know one person (my beast) that can actually come off this cleanse and go straight into eating...I haven't met anyone else yet...including myself but since doing the cleanse for years, I am able to take some liberties. For me, instead of a 3 day process which I'll go through for my blog readers, I usually cut in down into 2 days which I'll document while telling the first timers to please follow the actual process because I did with my first few experiences on the cleanse. So enjoy the different taste today and know that tomorrow, you'll get some broth/soup...YAY!
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