I have loved burgers since I was introduced to them when I was just a wee thing. From Burger King's Whopper, to McDonald's Big Mac, my obsession with hamburgers haven't wavered, hence maybe the reason becoming vegetarian has this down side. I don't eat burgers often, but when I do...oh my! Whatever the side, it usually takes a back seat to the burger itself, however, at the Burger Bar on Melrose in L.A., I do have to admit the pork burger did nothing for me. It was worded in such a way, I was expecting my taste buds to do a double take, instead I realized I made better pork burgers at home with bacon and the works so forgo this adventure for the beef grilled cheese sandwich (yummy) since my main course was uneventful. However, the chorizo mac n cheese was absolutely delicious and upstaged everything on our table including the garlic fries so if you only go for this side, you won't leave disappointed! Pass on the peanut butter/chocolate milkshake unless you like runny...which I don't but to each their own. I prefer my shakes to be rich, thick and creamy...let me dig in with a spoon while it's melting slowly away please and then only at the end am I required to use a straw to slurp up the rest of this old time goodness. With all these burger joints popping up I do expect better, so I'll keep searching until I do find the one. These are some of the sacrifices I'll make for you...ha, ha, ha. =)

I've been going to Bossa Nova for years now and every time I'm there, I always wonder why I don't get here more often. Brazilian cuisine that never disappoints and if you haven't been, please make this a must go at some point and time. Located on Sunset, this nook of fantasticness always seem to have large parties nestled in but somehow I always feel just cozy enough even when stuck by the door. Is it the attentive waitstaff? The wonderful food? The Sangria!!!!! That's it...good sangria always makes me feel comfortable and ready to eat, and eat I did. I inhaled the cajun blackened shrimp with rice and couldn't finish the plate, portions are comparable to the price and everyone seems friendly...commented on someone's great looking pizza and they told me to take some home! Ha! You just don't get better than that. So whether you try the beef stroganoff or the blackened shrimp, you'll leave with your taste buds tickled and your belly full without a catastrophic dent in your wallet.
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