Weighing in at 149lbs this morning, I'm looking forward to seeing at least another 5lbs go away in the next couple of days. Otherwise, I'll have to do the traditional thing and work out like I usually do, dammit! I'm so close I can smell the food....like all the time....everywhere...even in my dreams and it's hard but when I still see stuff come out of me when I haven't been eating for 8 days, I'm disgusted enough to keep on keeping on. However, I do want to state that after waking up at 8:30a yesterday, to train clients for 2 hours, doing yoga for about 40mins, running errands, working from 4:30p-12:45a and then watching 1 1/2 hours of American Idol (thank God for Tivo!), I'm exhausted today. As a matter of fact, I felt pretty lethargic and done with drinking this stuff but after making my bottles of lemonade and taking gulps I feel so much better and glad it's evening because it's almost time for day 9! So just try keeping yourself busy now that we're on the homestretch, stay away from the smell of foods (unlike me and some Costco shopping today) as much as possible and if your body needs rest....relax, you deserve it. You can always make your grocery list like I did last night! Ha, ha, ha =) I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! Vegetable soup, here I come...

After 8 days, the tongue should be getting a nice rosy pink/red on the outskirts but you'll notice the toxic white in the center, don't worry, it's on it's way out. Also, if you're having some breath issues, down a cup of peppermint tea to break up the smell and give your body another taste which is exactly what I'll do tonight for the first time during the cleanse. Yay...something else ticking my tastebuds.

So I usually buy and then mix the lemonade into big bottles of water but since I had a monstrous 64oz water bottle this year, I used that instead with some small bottles as extras since I had that on hand. You'll also need organic grade B maple syrup...no Log Cabins pretty please. Your nutrients come from the syrup and the grade B kind has it so don't deviate from this purchase. It's expensive but just think you'll be able to have real maple syrup on pancakes/french toasts afterwards with the leftover. I bought the syrup at Whole Foods for about $20/piece but I think Trader Joe's is a little bit less so check here, there and everywhere, you might find a deal and then tell me about it of course.
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