Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Slight weight gain...but inches are melting!
7th day in and you have to know that you may have slight weight gain but more weight loss changes during the process. Now I know it's not fair when you're not eating but it's part of the process especially if you're working out during the cleanse, look to the left, I'm at 149.6lbs and yesterday I was 148.8lbs urghhhhh. I remember about 3 years ago while doing the cleanse and still training fairly hard that I was a bit upset because my weight hadn't changed as rapidly as I would've liked working out and cleansing but I have to keep reminding myself (yes, even though I'm a trainer/fighter) that sometimes weight doesn't tell the story. Check your arms....slightly smaller? Check your waist....less matching of some excess around your abs? Check your abs...small contour lines around the sides showing? Check your hips...jeans fitting a bit easier????? Small changes that if you're not paying attention, you'll miss until the very last day which would be today but since you know to look for this instead of only weight, then you push forward instead. One of the main reasons I love this detox/cleanse is I don't lose muscle mass, if anything I get more defined and I may gain weight which tells me right there I'm gaining more muscle. It may be slight and here and there as my body is fighting to get rid of excess but I welcome the weight gain as well as the weight loss but I promise by the last day for more people, it's more weight loss than gain and if you've tape measured yourself or gotten the sexy, size smaller jeans, you'll realize that you're smaller. So don't be fooled and don't give up now....these last 3 days are the most important if you've made it this far!
Disregard the Stella, it was for Christmas time and I've been so good, it's still not gone. :) So the cleanse says you can use lemons/limes and I use to use lemons until I found out it wasn't compatible with my body and limes were better so I switched. I'm not suppose to have spicy food (although I have to have it) so during the cleanse I skip putting the cayenne pepper in. I drink as many cups on my first few days to put my body in the state that it's not eating so I disregard 6-8 cups and go more like 20-25 cups which then as the days progress the amount needed gets smaller. All these changes and it hasn't altered my process one bit, so check your body, keep in tune and go from there. If you have to stop, STOP! Sometimes the toxin release for people is traumatic and that's okay, you're now doing something to release it naturally and you can always try again in about 6 months or even another year. I should know, I had to do so my first year but upon returning to do it again the next, I had a much better experience and it's been on and crackin' ever since! Don't deprive your body of ridding bad things it's storing and keeping you from the healthy, strong you that you deserve to be. I just want the option to eat/enjoy a steak/whatever at 80 if I chose to do so, not be told I can't because I didn't take care of myself enough beforehand. I've noticed that with the cleanse, if I choose to eat some meat I don't feel heavy, it's processed quickly and I still feel good and that tells me my system is up and running perfectly! So meateater/vegetarian/vegan/raw/whatever, a cleanse right for you body will only help, so do the research now.

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